Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Windows 7 End Of Life special

As everyone knows Windows 7 has reached its End Of Life.  This leaves millions of Windows 7 systems vulnerable to malware, security exploits and bugs that will go unpatched and unfixed.  Everyone is scrambling to find a solution.  The common thread is to either upgrade to Windows 10 or find an alternative to run on older hardware that may not be Windows 10 compatible.

Enter the 'Windows 7 Refugee Program'.  This program is run by PC/OpenSystems LLC and the Linspire team where we are offering Windows 7 users who may be left out in the cold an alternative for those Windows 7 PC's.  Linspire 8.5.

Linspire 8.5 is an ideal solution for those Windows 7 users who may not be able to upgrade to Windows 10.

Linspire 8.5 offers the following features:

Familiar user interface
Easy setup and installation
KDE Plasma 5
Google Chrome 79
Ice SSB - Which allows you to turn any web app into a fully functional desktop application
Amarok Music Player
VLC Media Player
OnlyOffice desktop suite - Fully featured office suite which resembles Microsoft Office and saves files in the Microsoft Office file format.
Full multimedia Codecs - Linspire offers playback from Blu-Ray, DVD, Windows Media, Apple Quicktime and more.
Built in Anti-Virus and Firewall controls

From Today until Feb 1st we are offering Linspire 8.5 at a discounted rate.  The download Edition will be $19.99 USD.  The boxed set with a ready to use and install Live USB drive will be $30.99.  Gets yours today.

Windows 7 Refugee Program Boxed Set

Windows 7 Refugee Program Digital Download

Linspire 14 Released

 Today, the Linspire team is proud to release Linspire 14.  Linspire is one of the best selling Linux desktop operating systems in the world...